Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Discover Discovery Times Square

Finally an official exhibition space which can hold fascinating large-scale shows right here in the Big Discovery Times Square, which celebrated its fourth anniversary on June 24, hosts traveling exhibitions in their 60,000 square feet of space which explore the world’s culture, art, history and events. The time-sensitive exhibits are designed to be educational, immersive and interactive.

Sponsored by Discovery Communications, the people that bring us the Discovery Channel on cable television, together with Running Subway Productions, a New York based entertainment production company, the stated goal of the museum is "to create a home for traveling exhibitions that local museums might find either too large, too expensive, too non-disciplinary or too commercial for their nonprofit attention."

Discovery Times Square sees itself as much more than just a museum. It is the go-to place for exploration and discovery through “unique and immersive” exhibits in New York.

The following are a sampling of what DTS has already offered:

•    Titanic: The Artifact Exhibit
•    Leonardo Da Vinci’s Workshop
•    King Tut
•    Pompeii: The Exhibit
•    Dead Sea Scrolls

And what is going on at DTS now?

•    The Art of the Brick- Lego sculptures that will blow your mind: Now through January 5, 2014.
•    Body World- The science and splendor of the human body: Now through April 27, 2014
•    Shipwreck! Pirates and Treasure- an incredible journey through thousands of years of maritime history: Now through January 5, 2014

Located at 226 West 44th Street between 7th and 8th Avenues. Hours are Sunday - Thursday: 10:00AM - 8:00PM; Friday - Saturday: 10:00AM - 9:00PM until June 30. Beginning on July 1st extended summer hours will go into effect: Everyday: 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM. (*please note that on Thursday, July 4, we will close at 8:00 PM.)